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Commercial law

Commercial law counselling

1) Formation and revision of business contracts, agreements and other documents

  • We offer you formation and revision of the following documents: sales and purchase agreement, contract for work, lease and gift agreements, framework agreement for cooperation, advertising services agreement and escrow agreement.
  • Our law firm can provide you with professional expertise on business contractual relationships and related optimization tips.

2) Representation in civil court proceedings

  • Our lawyers represent you in judicial, as well as extrajudicial proceedings and mediations.
  • We further offer proprietary and non‑proprietary claims enforcement, client protection against unfair competition, business protection and preservation of a good reputation.
  • Our law firm can help you recover debts and damages that arose from business contractual relationships

3)  Legal audits (due diligence)

In addition, we also provide complex legal counselling during businesses’ legal audits (due diligence) to help our clients efficiently prevent the “unrecoverable debts” or claims that are hard to enforce. To achieve this goal, we give the optimization tips for internal processes, acknowledge and guarantee the debts and set the appropriate terms and conditions and internal rules.

Labour law counselling

1) Preparation of labour law documents

  • We provide you with preparation and revision of assets related to the adjustment of labour law relationships, including work contracts and agreements, agreements on work performance, management agreements, contracts on the execution of work (non‑compete clauses and non‑disclosure agreements) and agreements on employees’ liability for damage and loss of entrusted objects.
  • Our law firm offers the analysis of labour law relationships, assistance in preparation and revision of employer’s internal rules and conditions of employment, as well as assistance in collective bargaining and concluding collective agreements.

2) Settlement of labour law disputes

  • We are concerned with the settlement of labour law disputes upon the termination of employment contract, including dismissals, resignations and agreements on the termination of employment, suspension of senior employees, collective dismissals and employees’ right to severance package.
  • Our lawyers can assist you in case of work accidents and indemnities for personal injuries or “occupational diseases”.
  • We also represent employers in proceedings related to the compensation for damage caused by the employees.

3) Legal aid for the employment of foreign nationals

  • Our law firm can guarantee legal analysis on the employment of foreign nationals, deployment of employees to foreign countries, issue of hiring employees from recruitment agencies.
  • We provide legal counselling for employees who want to obtain employee’s card, blue card, recognised vocational qualification or recognised professional experience.

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