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Construction law

We offer complex legal services and counselling for the construction law matters, including:

  1. legal counselling in case of property transfer (transfer of apartments and lands) and apartment rental without the services of a real estate agent and deposits
  2. formation and revision of contractual documents for property sale or adjustment of law relationships associated with building lands. Examples of documents: lease agreement, sales or purchase agreement for real estates, contract for work, agreement on the abolition and settlement of co‑ownership, security agreement, purchase option, establishment of personal servitude (construction right).
  3. enforcement of complaints and compensation claims for damages or completion delays and contract withdrawal
  4. legal representation of constructors and parties involved in the territorial and construction proceedings before the construction offices or in the subsequent court proceedings. Examples: territorial proceedings on the construction location or division, proceedings on the consent of territorial authorities or construction permit, requests for certificate of occupancy, objections against neighbours’ or developers’ construction projects, appeals against issued construction permits, requests for demolition of unauthorized constructions.

As we also cooperate with construction law specialists and experts, we can provide our clients with professional expertise on their issues, if requested.

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