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Here, we provide the information on how to contact our law firm and its branch offices

How to contact our law firm

Fill the form

Do you need our help with your legal issue? Just fill the form below:
English contact form

Ing. Mgr. Bc. Petr Molnár, lawyer

Petr Molnár Law Firm
Vrchlického 678/19
Hradec Králové, 500 02
Česká republika
Identification number: 08657815
Czech Bar Association number: 19148
Bank details:
102769638/2250 (CZK)
102819068/2250 (EUR)
Data box ID:

Hradec Králové

Law Firm headquarters
Ing. Mgr. Bc. Petr Molnár Law Firm
Vrchlického 678/19
Hradec Králové, 500 02
Czech Republic

Branch office Praha

Ing. Mgr. Bc. Petr Molnár Law Firm
Vinohradská 1254/61 
Praha 2, 120 00
Czech Republic

Branch o. Rychnov nad Kněžnou

Ing. Mgr. Bc. Petr Molnár Law Firm
Mírová 1435
Rychnov nad Kněžnou, 516 01
Czech Republic

Make an appointment

We’ll be happy to help and discuss the provided materials with you in person.